
Hey Peeps

It was super fantastico to see numerous fleshly embodiments of your personal selves. I have some photos from the wedding weekend that I intend to slowly add to the facebook AND for those non-facebookers to a page on my blog, following is that address, LOVE!
Also- genius Jaxson thought of a really cool idea, and I kind of expanded it a little further and would like to propose it. He thought it would be cool if we had a forum where we could exchange ideas about image making- photography/motion picture. This is magnificent, but also- taking it a step further-wouldn't it be cool if it was a forum where we could exchange ideas and questions with one another about all the things that we are all into and good at? Like someone could ask questions about any sort of creative medium to the person(s) who deal more directly with that medium, and thus teach, learn, and help each other out while staying in contact more. It seems like it might promote more creativity too.
Okay, Love,


Katie said...

I'm totally down.

Jennifer said...

I think this is an awesome idea Sherri-Jaxon. Let's do it! Seems likely a forum for potential collaboration as well...

keha said...

yes! i'm in too. let's share the questions and the answers. how and where?

sherri marilena said...

I am looking into this- if anyone has ideas let it be known!

Shantel K. said...

I like the idea of long distance collaborations. I like the challenges that it offers and the outcomes seem to reflect the fact that far away is still pretty close..ya know?
